Friday, March 13, 2015

What I'm Loving Lately

This leather baseball cap.

I've had my eye on a leather ball cap for a while now, but admittedly, the vegan leather (that's just 2015 lingo for pleather, right?) ones I'd seen around Vancouver weren't quite right. Fast forward to our trip to Las Vegas in January, when a stop into Kitson presented this bad boy to me. Did I need to buy a genuine leather baseball cap? Possibly not. Did I tell myself that the real thing is always the better option, and that hey, it looks awesome, so I better buy it? Yes, of course I did.

This hat is now my go-to for weekend errands and Friday night drinks with friends. Get yours here.

{Image via Foodess}
Indian Food.

Yummy Indian has always been one of my favorite types of cuisines, but there are two things that have kicked my love into overdrive lately: the discovery of an amazing roti restaurant in my 'hood, and the decision to bestow my guy with a copy of Vij's Elegant and Inspired Indian Cuisine for Valentine's (I really do give the most self-serving generous gifts). 

If you live in Vancouver, you must check out the Indian Roti Kitchen on Cambie and 14th (you can thank me later), and if you love to cook and don't have one of Vij's books on your shelf, do yourself a favor and go buy one, stat.

The Great Outdoors.

While I'll admit that I'm always a big fan of spending time in nature, getting outdoors has been especially high on my list lately. While it's not always easy to motivate myself to get outside and play - especially in the rainy winter months or when I have heaps of work on my plate - in my books it's always worthwhile to get into the forest, escape to the beach or even just enjoy a long walk around the neighborhood with my pup. With the beautiful spring weather we've been having lately, it's been wonderful to get outside to soak up some vitamin D, and to unwind and escape from the hectic pace of day-to-day life.

This Itty Bitty Bracelet.

The lovely and delicate Tres Bracelet from our forthcoming collection has been a mainstay on my wrist of late. Just three tiny pearls on a simple gold-filled curb chain. it's a little something special to wear everyday.

This Book.

I hadn't read any of Alice Hoffman's books until last year, when I borrowed a copy of her novel, The Dovekeepers and absolutely loved it. Her latest book, The Museum of Extraordinary Things, has been my bedtime reading for the past few weeks and is equally as poetic and page-turning. Like the Dovekeepers, her new book is an enlightening and moving work of fiction, set within the context of major historical events. Happy Reading, Bookworms!


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