Friday, October 10, 2014

What Spiders Can Teach Us About Creativity (and Life in General)

Has anyone else been inundated by spiders this fall? Leaving my townhouse has become like a scene from Mission Impossible, with me trying to duck and scoot around spider webs in order to get from point A to point B in order to avoid a web or worse, creepy crawly in the face. Seeing so many of these 8-legged friends in close proximity lately, has found me studying their behavior and watching these tiny (and sometimes, not so tiny) creatures with amazement, and even provided some unique insights on creativity and my own life. 

Here's what spiders have taught me:

1.) Put your head down, and get 'er done.

Spiders don't care what the other spiders are doing, they just go about their business, and create what they were designed to create. Though spiders often work side by side, building their webs in a shared space, they pay little heed to what their fellow spiders and us human-folk are doing.
Yes, I get it - I may be personifying these critters a tad, but observing their activity has served as a great reminder to focus on my own creative pursuits - without constantly trying to compare my designs and my business to the "competition".

The fact is, it's so easy for us creatives to get caught up with what our industry peers are doing, playing the comparison game, or wondering how we measure up. The same of course, can be said for life in general. 

Spiders tell us to keep our eye on the prize, to create what we love and do best, without always checking in with how we compare or trying to keep up with the Jones'. At the end of the day, it's when we create our best and most heart-felt work, and besides - there's room enough for the fruits of all of our labors in this big wide world.

2.) With patience and dedication big and beautiful things are possible.  

The intricacy, strength and sheer, awe-inspiring feat that is a spider web is a wonder to behold. I get it - you might not love spiders - but the next time you come across one of these arachnids spinning their web, just stop and appreciate the beautiful creation they have made and the time and detail involved in constructing one of these delicate webs. 

Lovely things take time to create, as do the big and important things in our lives. Whether you are painting a picture, or nurturing your relationship, investing our energy and passion can yield incredible rewards - given the time and patience it takes to create.

3.) Persistence is key.

Spiders have to create - it's in their nature. And they won't be deterred, no matter what. Spiders have a lot of obstacles to contend with: the elements; animals and humans encroaching upon and destroying their webs; managing to get a delicate thread across a gaping distance; and yet, they still persist. 

A creative life, and life in general, will throw many frustrations, set backs and obstacles in your way. Spiders tell us that we need to do what is innate, what we love, and to persist - regardless of the challenges we may face.


To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.  - Kurt Vonnegut

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