Friday, April 12, 2013

Sunday Brunch

The past couple of weeks have flown by even faster than they usually seem to, so today I'm totally having one of those, I can't believe it's Friday! moments. Which of course leads me to thinking about weekend plans and all of the little treats I'm looking forward to - a few drinks with girlfriends at the end of the work day, the chance to bum around the house in my PJ's extra long tomorrow, and if I'm lucky - brunch at one of my fav restaurants with my guy or good friends. And while weekend brunch can easily be an excuse to just throw on any old comfy t-shirt and jeans in your closet, I personally see it as a chance to get a bit put together for a fun, lingering outing. 

So, in celebration of the beautiful spring flowers and slightly warmer temps, here's a look I've styled that's perfect for Sunday brunch. While I'm not normally a very "flowery" girl, I just love the fun, floral pants and jeans I've seen in stores lately, and think they're a great way to add mega punch to any look. Throw on a lightweight sweater, plus buttery leather jacket and simple flats, and cap off the look with bright accessories like our Calypso Earrings and Blue Lagoon Bracelet. You'll be set for a morning (or afternoon) of indulgent eggs benny and lattes. 

Do you love brunch at much as I do? Any restaurant picks you'd love to share?

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