Friday, July 11, 2014

Summer Jewellery Care

Hot summer days are the perfect time to show off your jewels: who doesn't love accessorizing a great sundress with a colorful statement necklace or highlighting a sun-kissed glow with layers of silver or gold chains? Unfortunately, summertime can also be a hazard to your jewellery. Read on for some tips on what to watch out for, and how to keep your favorite pieces sparkling this summer:

1. Sunscreen, sweat and bug spray, oh my!  All of these elements can be hard on your jewellery, causing metals to discolor and tarnish over time, and can dull and erode gemstones. Be sure to put your jewellery on post-sunscreen application and if it's going to be an especially sticky day in the sun, keep accessories to a minimum / at home, or opt for earrings, which reside away from slick skin.

2. Bathing beauty. Be sure to take off your jewels before hitting the ocean or pool. Chlorine and saltwater are big no-no's for your jewellery, so strip down (though leave your suit on, 'kay?) before taking a dip.

3. Summertime is travel time. When you're hitting the road on a holiday, keep these considerations in mind when packing your jewellery for a trip. Plus, check out my guide on what jewellery items to bring for a well-rounded accessories line-up for your vacation.

4. Maintenance is key. Post-wear, gently wipe clean your jewellery with a soft, damp cloth, before putting it away. This will help remove any build up or residue on your pieces, keeping them sparkling.

5. Cheap and chic. While I'm a big believer in investing in timeless and high quality jewellery designs, sometimes a girl needs accessories that can withstand a bit of wear and tear and that won't break your heart if they end up lost or ruined. Colorful woven friendship bracelets are a fun way to add a bright pop to your look, without the risk you run wearing fine jewellery.

Pinky swear you'll be good to your jewels this summer??

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