Friday, August 23, 2013

Would You Wear This?

Really, it looks more like a dog bone...
Alright, folks - today I just had to share a bit of er, interesting jewellery news that I've stumbled upon. It seems that singer and party girl Ke$ha, recently launched a new line of jewellery that features designs with everything from skulls and arrowheads to er...lovely man bits. Yes, people, you can now adorn yourself in pretty, dangly phallus earrings, and even a ring to match. Never mind the pieces that feature metal cast human teeth, that actual fans have gifted Ke$ha. 

Really, the fact that her "Grow a Pear" (I promise I didn't make this name up) line sold out in the first week shouldn't come as a surprise, since our world is made up of all sorts, but I'm not sure I can get on board with a look like this! I mean, where does one wear a penis necklace? To dinner with the in-laws, or perhaps a meeting with your boss? 

What do you think? It this sort of jewellery plain tacky, or am I just being prudish??

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