Friday, April 26, 2013

Mother Knows Best: Mom's Gift Picks

Happy Friday, Beauties! In case you've forgotten, Mother's Day is drawing near (Sunday, May 12th), which means it's time to start thinking about how to honor the special moms in our lives. A mother's love is probably the fiercest thing you'll ever get to experience, and if you're a mom yourself, I'm sure you'll agree (though no little kidlets for me - yet!).

My mom & I at my 30th birthday, last May
When you see a mom in action, you just know that they will truly go to the ends of the earth for their kids - even when that love can get a bit big and sometimes even, er, crazy. Yes mom, of course I wear my helmet on my bike, and yes mother, I will be careful to keep an eye on my purse, and good GOD mom, I'm 30 okay?! But maybe that's just what it's like for me with my mom...

Over-the-top moments aside, my own mom is possibly my biggest supporter and cheerleader, and I couldn't ask for a better woman by my side to encourage me in my dreams and pursuits. This is a lady who asks me for a new stack of business cards nearly each time we see each other, and who gives me the play-by-play with each new, prospective customer she meets, or the compliments she receives, while wearing my designs. Naturally, then, I thought I would ask my lovely mom, Jan, for her top Keltie Leanne jewellery picks for Mother's Day. All of her choices are from the new Spring collection, "because if I had to choose from your entire line, I would have about 20 pieces that are my favorites." Moms are really great for the ego sometimes, aren't they? So, without further ado, here are Jan's Mother's Day Keltie Leanne gift picks:


Clear Skies Earrings - $72

"These earrings have such beautiful gemstones; I love the shape of this design - the cluster, and in these colours - it's fabulous."

Ocean Spray Bracelet - $110

"This piece is so elegant and classy - but also a bit edgy! The pearl fringe is almost spiky looking - classy and fun."

Seaside Earrings - $85

"These are my Mother's Day present this year; usually I drop hints, but this year I have made a special request for this pair of earrings. I love the three gemstones, and the three colors. I also like how the shape stands out with my short hairstyle."

Sand Spit Necklace - $105

"I'm normally more of an earring girl, but I love the contrast of the earthy, rutilated quartz, and ocean-colored turquoise in this necklace. The colors remind me of the ocean and the sand, and the way it hangs is very unique and different."

Blue Lagoon Bracelet - $80

"While I love the turquoise in this piece, my favorite part is the chain wound through it. It really adds something unexpected, the way it snakes through the stones." 

Thanks so much for your input, Mom! 

If I've ever been told I have an eye for style, I can assure you it's from my mom (although my dad does have an extremely impressive shoe collection...). Do you love buying jewellery for your mom, or if you're a mom yourself, are there any special items that you'd like this Mother's Day?


  1. You are both so beautiful! My Mom was always my biggest fan, and did a lot of the same promoting for me! I'm sure your Mom had a hard time picking just a few favorites, you jewelry is just so lovely. Your choice of colors and stones are some of my favorites as well. Nice post, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much, Dana! I really appreciate all of your kind words :)
