Friday, March 28, 2014

The Best Way To Stay In The Know

Have you noticed that life's a little hectic? I mean, I don't know about you, but some days just getting my to-do list (half) done and dinner made is a big undertaking, let alone trying to stay on top of what's happening in the world of my favorite band/boutique/neighborhood/blog. 

I find that the best way to learn about a new album release/awesome sale/hip restaurant opening - you name it - is to get that info delivered to me directly, rather than spending oodles of time trolling the interwebs to see what's going on in the world. 

The best way to stay in the know about Keltie Leanne Designs? Sign up to receive my bi-weekly emails. Yup, you'll get a note from me 2 x's per month with the scoop on all things jewellery, fashion and Keltie Leanne related.

Here's what you'll get:

* Free shipping for all purchases from the Keltie Leanne online store
* Exclusive access to discount codes, promotions and subscriber-only contests
* Behind-the-scenes scoop on what's happening in the world of Keltie Leanne Designs replete with personal stories and what a designer's life is actually like
* The latest blog posts
* Sneak peeks at upcoming collections and look books
* Invitations to special events and jewellery trunk shows
* Style inspiration and jewellery styling ideas
* My top jewellery care tips

What you won't get: 

* Emails bogging down your inbox 3x's per day 
* Added to dodgy email lists for free viagra supplements
* Pushy sales pitches to buy NOW!

Want to be a part of the fun? All you need to do is sign up below this post and you're in! Talk soon!

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