Friday, December 13, 2013

Jewellery As Art

Happy Friday! I hope you're having a great week, and looking forward to some holiday fun this weekend. I wanted to let you know that I am holding an impromptu contest over on my Facebook page today, so if you aren't already a fan (or if you are, but haven't been there to check out the contest yet), be sure to take part here.

Today I wanted to share some photos from an awesome little collaboration with my friend, artist Amanda McCuaig. Amanda does amazing watercolour paintings, and she recently offered to come do a live painting session at an open house I held for some girlfriends a couple of weeks back. The subject? The Keltie Leanne Designs logo and some select jewellery pieces.

Below are a few of my favorite shots from the event, including the end result. Isn't she amazing? I can't wait to frame the designs and put them up in my studio.

You can check out more of Amanda's work on her website

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